Electronic Voting Services with legal validity. Assemblies and Lists of Representatives. Remote Vote, Face-to-face and by Mail. Companies, associations, unions, etc. We certify each vote and its results.
Electronic Voting Services with legal validity. Assemblies and Lists of Representatives. Remote Vote, Face-to-face and by Mail. Companies, associations, unions, etc. We certify each vote and its results.
Electronic Voting Services with legal validity. Assemblies and Lists of Representatives. Remote Vote, Face-to-face and by Mail. Companies, associations, unions, etc. We certify each vote and its results.2019-09-022019-09-02https://fullcertificate.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/full-certificate-normal.pngFull Certificatehttps://www.fullcertificate.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/wevoting-home.png200px200px